Dead Happy Life Insurance Review: Is it Worth Your Money?

Dead Happy Life Insurance Review: Is it Worth Your Money?

Dead Happy Life Insurance Review: Is it Worth Your Money?

Life insurance is a topic that many people find difficult to discuss, let alone plan for. However, it can be a crucial financial safety net for loved ones left behind in the event of an unexpected death. Fortunately for consumers, Dead Happy is revolutionizing the life insurance industry with its unique approach to coverage.

Unlike traditional life insurance policies that can be complicated and require extensive medical history, Dead Happy offers a streamlined online process with only a few simple questions. In just a few minutes, customers can secure coverage and even create a ‘Deathwish,’ which is a unique request for what happens after they pass away. From funding a party to sending ashes to outer space, there are many options available.

Key Takeaways

  • Dead Happy offers a unique and streamlined approach to life insurance coverage.
  • Customers can create a ‘Deathwish’ to determine what happens after they pass away.
  • The online process is quick and easy, making it a great option for those who want to secure coverage without the hassle.

dead happy insurance

Making a Deathwish – (wait, we know it sounds weird but hear us out…lol)

How does insurance fit into this?

Making a Deathwish is a unique way to leave a lasting impression on loved ones after passing away. The Deathwish is a final request that can be fulfilled with the payout from a life insurance policy. By adding the Deathwish to the policy, the monthly payments will cover the cost of fulfilling the final request.

There are plenty of options for a Deathwish that can be tailored to each individual’s personality and interests. Some popular Deathwish options include sending something into space, releasing ashes into space, turning ashes into a diamond, getting a bronze statue made, sending monthly flower deliveries, buying someone a puppy, funding a wake party, or paying for someone’s education. If none of the suggested options work, individuals can create their own unique Deathwish.

Adding a Deathwish to a life insurance policy is a great way to leave a lasting memory for loved ones that is not just a financial payout. Of course, it is still important to consider practical expenses such as paying off a mortgage or covering funeral costs, but a Deathwish can add a personal touch to the legacy left behind.

How Dead Happy Works?

To start with Dead Happy, one needs to select their Deathwish(es) or opt for regular life insurance. After that, they need to answer a few questions about themselves and their lifestyle. It is important to be honest while answering these questions, as the family might not get the payout if the information provided is false. The questions take only a few minutes to complete.

Once the lifestyle questions are answered, the user will receive a quote for their plan, which is the price for the insurance. Each plan lasts for 10 years and is renewed annually. However, this does not mean that the user is signing up for 10 years. The user can pay monthly and cancel the plan at any time without any fees.

Dead Happy’s insurance plan is set for 10 years to simplify and control the process and avoid answering lifestyle questions regularly. The user can set it and forget about it.

dead happy insurance

How much does Dead Happy cost?

The cost of Dead Happy life insurance is dependent on various factors, most importantly those such as age, lifestyle, and chosen Deathwish(es). The good news is that it only takes a few minutes to get a quote on the Dead Happy website.

As a rough estimate, a healthy 30-year-old can expect to pay around £5 per month for a typical policy. However, it’s important to keep in mind that the price may change every year and is not set for life, meaning it will likely increase as the policyholder gets older.

Dead Happy offers pay monthly options with no long fixed contracts, allowing policyholders to leave whenever they choose. This flexibility gives Dead Happy confidence that they offer an excellent price for their insurance, as policyholders can easily leave and go to a cheaper provider.

Overall, Dead Happy’s pricing structure is bespoke to each policyholder, making it difficult to provide a straightforward answer. However, the ability to get a quick quote and the flexibility of pay monthly options make Dead Happy a competitive option for those seeking life insurance.

dead happy insurance

Near Death Insurance

Near Death Insurance is a type of insurance that provides coverage for serious illnesses such as cancer, heart attack, stroke, and multiple sclerosis. It is also known as Critical Illness insurance or Critical Illness cover in the insurance industry. This insurance policy provides cash to help cover expenses and bills while the policyholder is unable to work due to their illness.

Dead Happy offers Near Death Insurance as an add-on to their life insurance policy. For a typical 30-year-old non-smoker, Near Death Insurance costs only £3.23 per month for a payout of £100k. However, eligibility for Near Death Insurance is not guaranteed and is only offered to those who are eligible when purchasing life insurance.

It is important to note that Near Death Insurance is not a standalone policy and must be purchased as an add-on to a life insurance policy. It provides an extra layer of protection for policyholders who may face serious illnesses or die in the future. With its affordable cost and valuable benefits, Near Death Insurance is a wise investment for those who want to ensure financial stability during a difficult time.

Customer Service

DeadHappy offers customer service through live chat on their website, allowing customers to speak to someone immediately and get answers to their questions. If the customer prefers, they can also email the company. Additionally, DeadHappy provides a comprehensive FAQ section with jargon-free guides to help customers understand life insurance before they purchase coverage. The guides are written in an easy-to-understand and informative way, making it easy for customers to learn about the different aspects of life insurance. Overall, DeadHappy’s customer service is modern and responsive, providing customers with multiple ways to get the information they need when they need it.

What else do you need to know?

DeadHappy offers life insurance policies for individuals between 18 and 60 years old. The coverage lasts for 10 years, and the maximum age for coverage is 70. The maximum payout for life insurance is £350,000, while Near Death insurance offers a maximum payout of £175,000. If you wish to cancel your policy, you can do so at any time without incurring any fees. The payout is usually tax-free. DeadHappy prides itself on using simple language, avoiding financial jargon, and making their policies easy to understand.

 dead happy insurance

Dead Happy Customer Reviews

Dead Happy has received a fantastic Trustpilot score of 4.8/5 from over 2,000 customers, indicating high customer satisfaction. Customers praise the simplicity of the service, low cost, and excellent customer service.

Dead Happy Pros and Cons


  • Easy to use
  • Fast and all online
  • Low cost
  • Ability to set a Deathwish
  • Great customer service


  • May not cover every issue, but customers are informed quickly if not
  • Limited additional features

Dead Happy is a life insurance company that offers a range of benefits to its customers. The company is fast, easy to use, and provides a low-cost service. Customers are able to set a Deathwish and the company has a great customer service team. However, the company may not cover every issue, but customers are informed quickly if not. The company also has limited additional features.

Our Thoughts

Dead Happy is a company that simplifies life insurance and makes it easy to get a quote online. It is a cheap and great option for those who want to secure their family’s future in case the worst happens. The addition of Deathwish makes it a fun take on a sad topic and encourages people to think about life insurance more seriously.

The company offers monthly rolling payments with no fixed-term contracts, making it cost-effective and flexible for customers. Dead Happy’s approach to life insurance sales is unique, and it has received positive reviews from customers and experts alike.

Overall, Dead Happy is one of the best options for life insurance, and it has received a 5-star rating. The company’s website is user-friendly, and customers can easily navigate through the process of obtaining a quote.

Frequently Asked Questions

Process for Getting a Quote from Dead Happy Life Insurance

To get a quote from Dead Happy Life Insurance, customers can visit their website and fill out a quick and easy application form. The application process only takes a few minutes, and customers can receive a quote instantly. Dead Happy insurance offers a unique pay-as-you-go model, which means that customers only pay for the coverage they need.

Underwriters of Dead Happy Policies

Dead Happy life insurance policies are underwritten by Covéa Life, a leading provider of life insurance in the UK. Covéa Life has been in business for over 60 years and has a strong reputation for providing high-quality, reliable coverage.

Benefits of a Joint Policy with Dead Happy

Dead Happy offers joint life insurance policies for couples and partners. These policies provide coverage for both individuals under a single policy, which can be more cost-effective than purchasing separate policies. Joint policies also offer peace of mind, knowing that both individuals are covered in the event of a tragedy.

Dead Happy Customer Service Contact Number

Dead Happy offers customer support through their website and email. They do not have a contact number for customer service, but customers can submit a support ticket through their website if they need assistance.

Payouts for Dead Happy Policies

Dead Happy life insurance policies offer a payout in the event of death. The payout amount is determined by the coverage amount selected by the customer. Dead Happy offers coverage amounts ranging from £10,000 to £1 million.

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